Drag and Drop " \cite{} " from Zotero to Latex Editor

Edit: nevermind, found the solution here: https://forums.zotero.org/post/213385/ (maybe post emilianoeheyns Oct 24th 2013)

Hi everybody,

I just started to use Zotero and I love it so far. One think comes into my mind, which is a Drag 'n Drop feature to create the \cite{} command within a Latex editor, using the correct key. I found a older discussion about, but I am not sure if this feature is included into the latest version.

How can I do it?

Thank you very much.
  • Your best bet is probably to go with
    There are other ways to just add this specific feature, but "better bibtex" implements this in a very straightforward fashion and offers you a lot of other things you mind find useful when writing mainly in LaTeX
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