Exporting words with accents from Zotero to BibTeX

Hi guys, I just came over a small annoyance that I thought it'd be better to post here.

I am using a citation style with LaTeX that writes authors' names in all capital letters sometimes, and in normal casing other times. The problem is, when you have names which have accents, like Kovács or Legány, BibTeX has a preference for the usage of native TeX syntax to symbolize these accents, such as

author = {Kov\'acs, Ferenc and Leg\'any, Csaba and Babos, Attila}

instead of

author = {Kovács, Ferenc and Legány, Csaba and Babos, Attila}

so it can capitalize words and letters correctly. Unfortunately, Zotero exports citations using the latter format instead of the former, so when BibTeX processes it, it fails to capitalize letters with accents, so Kovács becomes KOVáCS, for example, instead of KOVÁCS.
  • Enable "Display character encoding option on export" in the Export pane of the preferences, and then select ASCII as the output character set when you export via BibTeX.
  • that's really a question of the bibtex implementation--some are UTF-8 capable, some aren't. But you can change the encoding of Zotero's BibTeX Export. If you set it to ISO 8859, e.g., it will escape accented and other non-ascii characters.
  • (Technically it should be ASCII, because á is valid Latin-1. In practice anything other than UTF-8 will trigger escaping in the translator, so it doesn't matter what you choose.)
  • I know, but we don't list ASCII (we don't list ISO 8859, either, I misremembered this), so yeah, the instructions should be anything but UTF
  • Oh, I forgot we shortened the list. We can just say "Western" (which probably means ISO 8859-1) for clarity.
  • It worked. Thanks guys. I'll be sure to spread the word about zoh-TAIR-oh!
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