Advice on Zotero Group Library for whole lab

Dear colleague,

I have an idea about using Zotero as the document management system for our whole lab:
1/ Setup a PC as a library kiosk with a web browser, Zotero, and credentials for accessing paying editors websites.
2/ Fellow researchers use that computer to access and download articles from the editors' websites.
3/ Downloaded material have to go into Zotero's group library for the lab, so that it is properly archived and made available.

Anybody has done similar things ? Does that sound feasible ? Simple or stupid ? Robust in the long term ? Easy to manage ? Would it scale up to 1000 articles in 5 years ? To 5000 articles in 10 years ? What else do I miss ?

Looking forward to read your opinion or better experience,
  • Not aware of anyone doing this, but 5k scale is not going to be a problem.

    I don't really see why you'd want to do this, though. If the group is owned by the paying editor, it doesn't matter who or from where someone adds articles to it: they're always going to count towards the storage of the group's owner. So why go through all the kiosk trouble?
  • To centralize the credentials for accessing journals.
  • oh, OK, so that part has nothing to do with Zotero. Still strikes me as odd that would be necessary, but that's up to you.
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