Exporting references from word (zotero used) to zotero library


I am working on a Word document where different authors have used zotero for inserting citations. Unfortunately there are a few errors and I would like to edit the entries.
Is there a way to add the references entered with Zotero in the Word file back to my library in Zotero?

Thank you
  • no, that's not currently possible, unfortunately. Generally planned, but probably not super close.

    (If you're adventurous, you can edit the embedded citation data--which is in JSON format--directly in the document after showing field codes. If you don't know what JSON is, that's probably not something you want to undertake. And obviously you'll want to do this in a copy of the document so you have a back up)
  • You may extract the citations/references by using some tools like http://anystyle.io/ . This could give you the reference data in zotero but not connected to your document. Maybe it is easier to search the references again in the web and improve the data then and reconnect.
  • right. My answer assumes that you don't want to re-insert the references.
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