detachable & manipulateable panes

It would be ideal if all of the 3 columns can be detached (ie become 3 little windows), resized when I work on it, placed at whatever corner I like to, and the font size in each of them can be manipulated.
Is this crazy?
  • Thanks for the suggestions, Yam. We have had other suggestions for different layouts--vertical rather than horizontal, tabs, etc. For now we're focusing on our core layout (some of these other layouts pose some problems for actions like drag and drop, not to mention the multiplication of time it would take to implement new features in multiple layouts), but we haven't ruled anything out in the (perhaps slightly distant) future.

    We do have font size manipulation coming out very soon, however--it's implemented in the development version already.
  • Lovely! (for the font size manipulation coming soon)
    And understand that you need to balance different needs and different technical considerations. Zotero, as it now is, is already an excellent tool, literally better than all ref management tools that I've come across so far.
  • The note window I find to be very useful when working with long pdf documents. My main suggestion would be to allow the notes window to stay on top all the time. Winamp has this function and it works great.

    My second suggestion for the note function, which might be harder to manage, is if I copy a selection from a pdf file, to have the page number automatically attached to the copied text. This would mean I wouldn't have to lift a finger to actually type the page number in. I try to separate my physical work from my mental work.
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