Metadata Retrieval on MAC Yosemite

Hello et al.,

I have been using Zotero for just over 2 years on a PC platform (Windows XP and Windows 7) and most of the time Zotero worked great.

Now I have a Mac running OX 10.10 Yosemite, I transferred the database over and can read all my existing files and metadata content just as it was in windows, but now when I add a new PDF to Zotero there is no "right click" to get to the "retrieve metadata". How do I get to that option, as the help file was not that helpful to explain that part.

Thanks for your help.
  • right click on a Mac is either ctrl+click or can (and likely should be) configured as two-finger click tap on the trackpad.
  • edited January 5, 2015
    Thank you adamsmith,

    That was fast.

    I am new to the MAC world and I would like to confirm that your advice works great. I configured the mouse to have a second select button, now I can use Zotero with no problem, just like I did in Windows.

    This fix was much easier then the multi-PC-dropbox sync of the standalone version I tried (Not advised at all - had to extract all the PDFs from the different PCs as the DB index was corrupted). However the USB database worked great between many PCs, but a bit slower. Zotero could make a data port option for people getting other machines.
    has two options - one very simple, one still pretty simple.
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