APA 6th Conference Paper error

The APA publication manual, page 207, item 39, states that there should be conference name given after the proceedings title. However, Zotero only lists the proceedings title.

For example:
Kučková, Š., Vávra, J., Hynek, R., & Kodíček, M. (2010). Analýza obsahu keramických a skleněných nádob metodou peptidového mapování. In J. Beljak, G. Březinová, & V. Varsik (Ed.), Archeológia Barbarov 2009, Hospodárstvo Germánov (s. 639–644). Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV.

…should look like…

Kučková, Š., Vávra, J., Hynek, R., & Kodíček, M. (2010). Analýza obsahu keramických a skleněných nádob metodou peptidového mapování. In J. Beljak, G. Březinová, & V. Varsik (Ed.), Archeológia Barbarov 2009, Hospodárstvo Germánov. V. protohistorická konferencie (s. 639–644). Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV.
  • I think you are misreading the example item. On page 206, the general rule states that proceedings that are published in book form follow the same format as books (i.e., Author, A. A. (2010). Paper title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Proceedings title (pp. 100-120). doi:10.1234/567890). In the example item you refer to, it appears that the entire phrase "Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vo l. 4678. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems" is the title of the proceedings.

    This is also a quirk of how conference proceedings should be entered in Zotero. Ideally, the conference paper item type would have a "Volume Title" field to be able to separate the proceedings series name from the title of the particular volume. Such a change will likely happen when item fields are updated in Zotero 4.2, but for now, your best plan is to enter the entire phrase in the Proceedings title field.

    Generally, the conference name field should be structured so that the phrase "Presented at the" or similar can be added before the the contents of the Conference Name field. Using the item from Example 39 in the APA manual, if "Advanced Concepts for Intelligence Vision Systems" was entered in Conference Name, it would render as:

    "Presented at the Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems"

    That doesn't quite make sense. Instead, the conference name should be entered as "9th International Conference, ACIVS 2007" or as "9th International Conference, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems"
  • Well, I was wrong. Thank you for the clarification.
  • When using the APA 6 style in zotero, I get the following output:

    Clarke, J. (2011). Inspection spoken here? Governing schooling at several distances. Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Montreal. Retrieved from http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Governing-Schools-at-a-Distance-AAA-2011.pdf

    However, the output should look like this:

    Clarke, J. (2011, November). Inspection spoken here? Governing schooling at several distances. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Montreal. Retrieved from http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Governing-Schools-at-a-Distance-AAA-2011.pdf

    Cf. pp. 228-229 "8.04 Meeting and Symposia" in

    American Psychological Association. (2009). Concise rules of APA style (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • How exactly do you have the item entered in Zotero?
  • Here is a link to a screenshot (but it's in German, sorry):

  • enter unpublished conference papers as "Presentation" as opposed to papers published in proceedings, which should be "Konferenz Papier"
  • Thank you for clarifying this.

    I get now the following output:

    Clarke, J. (2011, November 16). Inspection spoken here? Governing schooling at several distances. Presented at the Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference panel on ‘Tracing Policy: Translation and Assemblage’, Montreal. Retrieved from http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Governing-Schools-at-a-Distance-AAA-2011.pdf

    It looks much better but if I'm not mistaken than only
    (Year, Month) should be given as the date.

    Thanks for your support!
  • Zurpher is correct with regards to the date for conference presentations.

    I'm not exactly sure how the style should behave. APA asks for only year and month for unpublished conference papers, but asks for year, month, day for interviews, radio broadcasts, podcasts, etc. There are no specific rules for non-conference presentations (e.g., lectures). The style could drop the "day" portion for the presentation type, given that citing presentations outside of meetings would probably be quite rare (and there is ambiguity whether these should have a day listed anyway).

    @adamsmith I can make that change if you think it would be a good idea.
  • yup, I'd be happy to take the change to only year, month for speech.
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