Integration OpenOffice extension into OO menu structure.

The recent OpenOffice extension adds some icons to the toolbar.
In order to improve usability, it would be good to add entries in menus as well, such as:

Insert -> Citation


Extras -> Bibliographic Database (use existing entry, but link to Zotero bibliographic database, not the built in one.

  • On the side, please refer to the issue 95471:
  • For the record, I added this comment over there:
    In principle I like this idea. The current support in OOo is woefully
    inadequate, and Zotero provides much of what we would have liked to do with the OOo bibliographic project.

    But, I'd prefer that at least at some point there be some indirection between OOo and any particular bibliographic database. E.g. one should be able to use Zotero, but also have the option to use something else. Maybe upgrade the OOo citation and bib API to fit into this approach?
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