Author Bibliography

I need to create an author bibliography. I thought of using collecting details about book using zotero by searching them through ISBN or through worlcat. ISBN works fine but worldcat only brings title rest of the details one has to edit. I have a question how can I generate my bibliography where my list of books will be by author wise, title is in bold and i can also see number of pages of books. Which style will give me number of pages and title in bold. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • but worldcat only brings title rest of the details one has to edit
    There is a Web Tanslator for Worldcat, i.e. that should work with one click normally.

    There is the possibility to search by example for a style. But I am not sure, if such a bibliography is what you mean by "author bibliography".
  • but why page numbers are not getting in existing bibliography for a book entry
  • AFAIK the number of pages of a book are not contained in the RIS export from Worldcat, on which the translator is build on. Maybe it helps to search in another catalogue (not Worldcat) for the same books/authors.
  • Page ranges can't be included in the bibliography--bibliographies refer to whole works--there also isn't a field in Zotero for them.

    The total number of pages for a book can be in a bibliography, it's just fairly uncommon.
  • if i download a book record by download record details through isbn it brings page numbers. I just want to create a bibliography of books with Author, Title, Publisher, Place, Year and Page Numbers is it not possible to do this through zotero. Which style will display page numbers as well. A quick help is greatly appreciated.
  • Vancouver (and its various forms) include the number of pages, for example. So do all the ISO 690 styles.
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