Sharing references through email, IM


Thank you first for making our lives easier and breaking us from the shackles of endnote.

Would it be possible to easily share single or multiple references with coauthors without the hassle of exporting or import? just by drag n' drop into IM or email.
  • Thanks for your kind words, malmarz. We currently don't have plans for drag and drop into IM or email (though that would be great), but we do have big plans for providing several ways to easily share references. We will be rolling these methods out in 2007, so stay tuned.
  • Hi
    I just cancelled my cheque to Endnote - this is extremely exciting!
    Is it possible to
    a) add an email including text (email is not listed in "add a new item")
    b) to send a report in the body of an email including hyperlinks?
    I would like to use this program to send TABLES OF CONTENTS alerts to my library clientele in one document. I used to use netsnippets for this and it was brilliant - formats a contents page with links to the items.
    Do you envision that this would be possible?
  • For (b):
  • edited September 21, 2007
    Dan and daniellej--

    Actually, drag and drop to email and im works for me right now (I just tried Apple mail, iChat, and Skype on a Mac). Not sure about windows however.

    Email is an option in the New Item menu--try More>E-Mail. you can add email text either in the abstract field or in a note (a note would make more sense i think). there are also plans to add a translator for gmail i believe
  • Actually, drag and drop to email and im works for me right now (I just tried Apple mail, iChat, and Skype on a Mac). Not sure about windows however.
    Yes, Zotero has supported this on all operating systems since March. (Dan's post was from February 15th, before we added Quick Copy.) You can drag references into any text box on the system, inside or outside Firefox.
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