Create a Custom Source

I would like to be able to create a custom source type, or to be able to modify existing source types beyond the "author" field. I feel this would be extremely helpful for a researcher working with archival sources--especially material culture and printed ephemera. It would be useful to be able to add or subtract fields under the "info" tab as needed. I understand that this might make creating a bibliography from these sources difficult, but as some other forum posters have mentioned, not all sources go directly into the bibliography. For example, I work extensively with images and advertisements found in magazines, newspapers, etc. It would be useful to be able to indicate the publisher as well as volume, issue, page, etc. when appropriate; or to leave these fields out and instead use box, file, folder numbers, etc. when working from archival sources. Allowing the user to manipulate the fields under particular sources would allow more usability for the program, and would allow me to use a consistent source format for all of the advertisements I'm researching (instead of using Map for some, manuscript for others, etc.) Perhaps an alternative to this would be to allow custom properties for one or a few of the sources already created--i.e. adding optional "publication" fields to the artwork source, etc.
If there already exists a way to do something like this in Zotero, or if someone has some suggestions for me I'm all ears and eager to learn more about this great program. Thanks!
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