Style Error: [AMA - American Medical Association]
STYLE:american-medical-association.csl (2014-12-09T07:24:56+00:00)
When using AMA-style to cite a conference presentation (zotero item-type: Presentation), zotero-generated bibliography does not include any information about the meeting (i.e. fields Meeting Name, Place). The only fields included appear to be Presenter, Title, Date, URL, Accessed.
AMA-style rules for a presentation should be the same as for citing Unpublished Materials (presented at meeting, not yet published, AMA Manual 3.13.8):
Author(s) (Last name, first and middle initials). Title of paper. Paper presented at: Name of meeting; Date (Month, Year); Location (City, State or City, Country).
American Academy of Physical Education. Exercise and health: Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting. Paper presented at: 54th American Academy of Physical Education Meeting; April 6-7, 1983; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(includes corresp. references to AMA style-guide)
The same presentation item would show the missing meeting-related fields when cited using zotero APA-style instead. Looks like APA style includes these fields in "event" macro (see APA's CSL-style-file), which is not part of the current AMA CSL-file.
STYLE:american-medical-association.csl (2014-12-09T07:24:56+00:00)
When using AMA-style to cite a conference presentation (zotero item-type: Presentation), zotero-generated bibliography does not include any information about the meeting (i.e. fields Meeting Name, Place). The only fields included appear to be Presenter, Title, Date, URL, Accessed.
AMA-style rules for a presentation should be the same as for citing Unpublished Materials (presented at meeting, not yet published, AMA Manual 3.13.8):
Author(s) (Last name, first and middle initials). Title of paper. Paper presented at: Name of meeting; Date (Month, Year); Location (City, State or City, Country).
American Academy of Physical Education. Exercise and health: Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting. Paper presented at: 54th American Academy of Physical Education Meeting; April 6-7, 1983; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(includes corresp. references to AMA style-guide)
The same presentation item would show the missing meeting-related fields when cited using zotero APA-style instead. Looks like APA style includes these fields in "event" macro (see APA's CSL-style-file), which is not part of the current AMA CSL-file.