TAB in citations?

Is it possible to include TABs in a citation? In the prefix field?

Two things I would like to accomplish:

1) A Tab as start of the footnote, before the individual prefix, after the footnote number.

2) A TAB in the bibliography, to accomplish this format:

Schmitdt 1990(TAB) Joseph Schmidt, This is the Title,....

Has anyone done this?
  • edited December 13, 2014
    A tab at the start of a footnote should be done through a word processor setting (in the styles); you shouldn't need to touch CSL for that.

    For a tab inside a citation or bibliography entry, try using:<text value="	">I'm not sure it will make its way through into the document, but that's the XML entity for it.
  • How do I do this in a Word Style? Is this possible, or does one have to manually enter the tab each time? This makes changing style quite a big task...
  • You'll have to check the Word forums for guidance on Word styles (I don't use it, but you should be able to modify the footnote style, and see the change take effect throughout the document).
  • It looks like Word might not let you do this in the style, this has some advice:

    For the bibliography, you could also look at second field align or work with display right/left.
  • I have tried to use "display right" but it doesn't seem to do anything. I couldn't find second field align.
    Is there some place where I can read what these options do?

    It still seems to me a better way to do this in the style, than to have to manually enter them in Word.
  • edited December 13, 2014
    <text value=" ">

    This just seems to add " " before the author.

    (not the space but the exact symbols...)
  • where/how are you testing this? Escaped character are broken in the citation style editor. Pretty sure they'd work in Word.
    Similarly, I don't think display is handled properly there.
  • Ok, I realized I cannot enter this in the visual editor, so I did it in the Code editor.

    Unfortunately this doesn't stay, instead it changes into a space inside the quotes. And that also renders in Word.

    Unfortunately this wouldn't really work for citations, even if the TAB was kept: It appears after the citation prefix (which is entered in Zotero), which wouldn't make sense.

    I guess there is simply no way to do this satisfactorily.

    In the bibliography it may work, if the character would actually stay inside the code, which so far it hasn't.
  • To be clear, you want to put a tab character after the listed author, and not do a hanging indent of the remainder of the citation?
  • The format would be this:

    Schmidt 1996 Albert Schmidt: Xyz and b, Berlin 1996.

    Before Albert there should be a tab.
  • If the tab is being swallowed on the way to Word, the simplest solution in the short term may be to use some slug (such as "[TAB]") and fix up the document with a find-and-replace. Ugly, but certain. I'm sorry that I can't think of a more elegant solution at the moment.
  • this is really just a bug in the online citation style editor, both visual and the code editor version. You can hard-code tab using the escaping given by fbennett above in CSL. You'll just have to do it in a regular text editor or in Zotero's test pane. (and yes, I've tested this).

    You can also put this into prefixes, which will solve this for you for citations, if you include it in the layout part:
    <layout prefix="&amp;#9;" delimiter="; ">

    As for the second-field-align suggestion, that's a setting for the bibliography:
    it essentially puts a tab after the first group/macro
  • edited September 20, 2020
    Thanks a lot! This did the trick for me in the Zotero XML Style Editor.
    This is a snippet from my style:
    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="15" et-al-use-first="10">
    <text variable="citation-number" suffix=".&amp;#9;"/>
    <group delimiter=". " suffix=". ">
    <text macro="author"/>
    <text macro="title"/>

    Now the output is:
    1[TAB] Author. Title...
    If I then define the "Bibliography" style in Word based on hanging indent the bibliography numbers will be aligned on the left and all the bibliography data will be aligned.
  • I guess that works, but that just looks like a really fancy way to recreate second-field-align="flush"
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