What (really) is a valid CSL 1.0.1 xml file and will it work with Zotero ?

I recently started to work on an older csl file, but something keeps eluding me on respects to validation. I have a csl file that, as far as I can tell, is conform to the recommandation (http://citationstyles.org/downloads/specification.html), but, when it comes to validating it against the RelaxNG Compact schema (https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema)

On one hand,
- it is valid as per http://validator.citationstyles.org/
- both Jing and xmllint confirm that it is.

On the other,
- <oXygen/> validator outputs me 116 errors, most of them *very* weird (and that seems to come more from a problem of schema or validation tool, with errors such as «found attribute "version", but no attributes allowed here» on an element, cs:locale, that has *no* version attribute in my code but has perhaps inherited it from the ancestor cs:style)
- I can import it in the CSL Visual Editor, as long as I remove the xml:declaration, and the full prolog; it seems there to be valid ;
- If I import the style in Zotero, I have a warning stating that the style is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 file (yet it works, if I remove XML declaration and prolog...).

So, my question : what really is a valid csl file, and how do I make sure my file is valid ?
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