Importing from Word
I have an issue of retrieving citations from a word document. Maybe this is not possible, at least I have not found out how to do so :)
Let me explain the issue:
At my school we use google docs and word for paper proposals and ideas. Since this enables easier collaboration than latex. When a paper has been agreed upon, it will be moved to a latex document where the paper will be finished for delivery.
This means that the citations made by either the word plugin or drag and drop into google docs gets lost. By this I mean that I have to go through zotero and find the citations once again, which can be time consuming even with search. I would therefore like to search a document/extract the citations such that I can reuse them for another article in another format for another document, e.g. from word to latex.
Such that I search the following:
Zoughbi, Gregory, Lionel Briand, and Yvan Labiche. 2007. A UML Profile for Developing Airworthiness-Compliant (RTCA DO-178B), Safety-Critical Software. Springer.
It finds the above citation, looks in my zotero storage. If it is there I get a temp folder where all the found citations are stored, such that I can easily export them all to another place.
If I do not have it, it makes it possible for me to make a metadata retrieval.
I know that you could use the folders in zotero, such that you save to these each time you use an article. such that you have a folder for a specific paper. But this will slow the writing process a bit, and make it harder to get others citation in word/google doc documents. Therefore it would be nice if you could extract the citations somehow. So is this possible or just a wish and a feature request :)?
Looking forward to hear from you.
I have an issue of retrieving citations from a word document. Maybe this is not possible, at least I have not found out how to do so :)
Let me explain the issue:
At my school we use google docs and word for paper proposals and ideas. Since this enables easier collaboration than latex. When a paper has been agreed upon, it will be moved to a latex document where the paper will be finished for delivery.
This means that the citations made by either the word plugin or drag and drop into google docs gets lost. By this I mean that I have to go through zotero and find the citations once again, which can be time consuming even with search. I would therefore like to search a document/extract the citations such that I can reuse them for another article in another format for another document, e.g. from word to latex.
Such that I search the following:
Zoughbi, Gregory, Lionel Briand, and Yvan Labiche. 2007. A UML Profile for Developing Airworthiness-Compliant (RTCA DO-178B), Safety-Critical Software. Springer.
It finds the above citation, looks in my zotero storage. If it is there I get a temp folder where all the found citations are stored, such that I can easily export them all to another place.
If I do not have it, it makes it possible for me to make a metadata retrieval.
I know that you could use the folders in zotero, such that you save to these each time you use an article. such that you have a folder for a specific paper. But this will slow the writing process a bit, and make it harder to get others citation in word/google doc documents. Therefore it would be nice if you could extract the citations somehow. So is this possible or just a wish and a feature request :)?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Do you know if there is any plans for zotero to support this feature?
Just had to do that myself a few days ago - needed to extract the Word-doc embeded zotero references (it appears that the whole citation data is embeded in CSL JSON form in Word fields, so the puzzle was how to pull it back into zotero). Found this helpful hint:
Long story short:
-- Copy original doc-file and open the saved copy
-- From zotero's Word-plugin change citation style to BibTex (previous zotero-handled bibiliography section will visually change, showing extra BibTex-markup, like @article, @book ...)
-- Select and copy to clipboard the "monstrous" bibliography section
-- Create a new collection in zotero front-end (Firefox or standalone)
-- Import From Clipboard into the newly created collection
-- Possibly tag/reconcile duplicates
However this solves the problem only in one direction (Word->Zotero), since it's not really establishing the link Zotero->Word for the imported items. For two-way link to work, item IDs have to be resync-ed between Zotero and Word, which is not trivial.
Should I do something to get this enabled?
BibTex style-file also available for install from zotero styles repository:
Once installed, it should appear in the style list from both zotero front-end and Word-plugin.