Bugs with sync preview

Some things I noticed:

- Both csledit.xul or cslpreview.xul don't seem to be compatible with the Sync preview 2.2.
- In SP 2.2 there is quite a bit of space between the surname of authors and the following comma that separates the surname from the initials/first names (at least under Windows XP). This isn't the case in 1.0.7.
  • edited October 6, 2008
    Another important one: importing RDF-data, exported in Zotero 1.0.7, into a copy of the sync preview changes editor roles into author roles (I expect that this bug extends to all contributor-types). This happens both in my local copy and in the style preview in the style repository: AD Baxevanis and BFF Ouellette were set as the editors of the book Bioinformatics in the data set I sent Dan Stillman.
  • Fixed the creator types issue on the trunk and on the previews page. Thanks.
  • csledit.xul and cslpreview.xul should now be fixed on the trunk.
  • edited October 7, 2008
    Thanks for the fixes. The list does continue however: in the sync preview, the link "http://aem.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/74/9/2766" shows a "Save to Zotero (Embedded RDF)"-button, and using it gives an item which doesn't have full object details. In contrast, in 1.0.7 the Highwire translator is used, which does fill all relevant fields.
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