Bibliography including items not in document or library

When I add the bibliography to the document I'm working on, it includes an item that was in the document months ago, but that I've since deleted from the document and from my Zotero library (because it was causing problems then). Any ideas why - and how I get rid of it? I can just delete that line from the list of references, but I'd prefer to get it properly sorted. I've searched for it in my Zotero library and it's not showing. I checked the trash and it wasn't in there. Hopefully this has a v simple solution that someone can point me towards... Thanks
  • Zotero embeds citation data in references, so just deleting an item from the Zotero library won't remove it from a document. My guess would be that, if you also don't see the reference in the document anymore, it didn't get properly deleted and the field codes are still in the document. Provided you're working in Word, show the field codes using alt+F9, search for the title of the item in the document and I'd expect you to find it somewhere. Delete the full field code and it should disappear from the bibliography, too.
  • Sorted - thanks very much for quick response and spot on help!
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