[mlz] Closing footnotes with a full stop?

OSCOLA says that footnotes are to be closed with a full stop. Multi-Lingual Zotero does not do that automatically, at least on my system. Should I put these in as a 'suffix', or is there a setting that I can enable for this?
  • MLZ is now able to suppress terminal punctuation, so I have restored the final period on citations. If you reinstall MLZ OSCOLA from http://citationstylist.org, it should work correctly.
  • Thanks. Do I have to manually re-create the citations without the full stop, or is there some way to get Zotero to automatically do this?
  • MLZ has an option for suppressing the period. In the document's MLZ Document Preferences menu, the global option is under the "Style & Format" tab. As the note there says, the global option will suppress trailing punctuation everywhere (i.e. the same behavior as the old version of the style). So you'll want to leave that option unticked. To suppress selectively, there is no need to reinsert the citations, but you'll need to visit each one to touch it up by setting the "Suppress trailing punctuation" option through the Add/Edit Citation menu.
  • Sorry, my question wasn't clear. I have footnotes that should have a full stop but don't. I would like to add the full stop now, but don't want to have do this manually for each footnote. Can MLZ batch-update footnotes?
  • you may have to switch to a different citation style and back for changes in OSCOLA (such as the re-added period) to take effect.
  • As adamsmith says, switching to another style and then back to MLZ OSCOLA should cause the change to the style to take effect throughout the document.
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