cannot export library (1280885164)

I am trying to export a 12197 element library to merge it with another, following Zotero instructions. On File-Export library, I get a dialog, leave RDF selected as format, leave Notes selected, either check Files or leave it unchecked (has failed both ways), provide a file name, click OK. Get a progress bar for a while, then: XUL Runner has stopped working correctly. Please close the program.

Following one of these errors I generated the error report number give in the topic.

Next, I tried accepting the default name (MyLibrary), and got a different error (JavaScript Application) An error occurred while trying to export the selected file. On exiting out of that, all that was in the .rdf file was:



Tried once more, unchecking export Notes. Got XUL Runner error again.

Cannot export library.
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