Before and After a Colon...Visual CSL Editor

So the CSL style for the "Journal of Information Technology" is wrong. Before a colon in the title, words should be capitalized and after the colon words should be in sentence format with the first letter capitalized.

I found a plugin on these forums to capitalize the first word after a colon, but nothing that allows just different styles on either side of the colon. I don't know why the submitted CSL is not the same as the Journal's requirements. I'm a noob to all this but I understand how to make small incisions in code to change things...but I know not where to make my first cut.

Thank you for any help or refreshment of thought you can give me.
  • edited November 21, 2014
    to clarify the style set (for everything...journal articles, books, internet) is required to be formatted as follows:
    The Second Machine Age: Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies.
  • Can't be done. First time we've ever seen this rule, you're positive that's actually what they want?

    Can't be done? Would you mind saying why?
    I thought maybe of using ":" in a delimiter...before after...
    I believe you, but I would like to be able to explain myself.
  • The language to format/describe citation styles that Zotero uses - CSL - just has no way to change the capitalization of titles that way. It has a clearly defined set of options for capitalization, this is not among them:
  • True, and thank you adamsmith. I was wondering if there is a clear way to manually edit the CSL style markup to hack this weird format into the existing stylesheet.
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