Style modification: springer basic (incorperating page numbers)


I am using the >>springer basic brackets alphabetical<<-style. What is missing is it does not consider the page number for the references in the text, like this: ([22]: 234) while 22 is the citation and 234 is the page number where the reader finds the corresponding statement.

That means there must be a condition: if pagenumber is present than use bracket, if not not.

I tried for myself, but the "page" variable refers to the pages within for example a jounal. The Zotero add in widget has one field for the "Page", obviously that refers to another variable.

Therefore, I'am stuck right no...

Is it possible to modify this style accordingly?

Thanks for any help...

  • the variable you're looking for is "locator" so that should allow you to fix this yourself.

    Do you have any example from a springer journal where page numbers are used that way in the citation? (gated articles should be fine)
  • Hallo Adam,

    here is one example:

    You can download free examples, like the Swierstra, Tsjalling; Rip, Arie article, look at page 4.

    Thanks for your help.

  • edited November 14, 2014
    FYI, suggests
    ([2], p. 24)
    (page 2, right column, half way down)

    Edit: Seems consistent with the article you're referring to above:
  • Yes, it is consistent, that is not the problem. I just need a Zotero style that utilizes the locator (pagenumber) correctly. Otherwise I have to do it manually.

    Therefore I need to change the springer basic brackets style. Right now I have no success.

  • Since this seems to be an official requirement, we'll probably fix it in the main repository in the next few days. You can keep using the existing style in the mean time and update it later. The citations will update automatically.
  • edited November 14, 2014
    I've done it. I do not know about the hickup. But now it works. Am I supposed to upload this style?
  • You don't have to, but you're welcome to. See for instructions. The only thing is that I'm not sure whether these edits are applicable to all Springer basic styles or just this specific journal, so you can either proceed with the submission and someone will help you figure that out later, or you can wait for someone to pitch in here on the forums.
  • I don't actually see how we can do this right:
    we can easily do [2, p. 24], but I don't see how we can pull the locator out of the brackets without breaking multiple references such as [2, 4, 7] along the way.
  • edited November 17, 2014
    I'm not really sure what multiple references are supposed to look like in this format.

    Edit: or do you mean that even if we don't consider multiple references with locators.. I think I see your point.
  • or do you mean that even if we don't consider multiple references with locators
    that, yes. I think I'd suggest typing the locator rather than doing it in the citation. This seems rare enough as to not be a big hassle.
  • You are right, multiple references would be a problem, and all in all it's not worth the hussle. Single references do work. This is the first time I came along this kind of style, I do not know when I have to use it again.

    Then again, it is Springer which is quit widespread...

    Thanks for your support.

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