"No date" converted to 0000-00-00
Some items in our Zotero database have no dates, and we need to make that explicit in our citations. Therefore, we enter "n.d." (for "no date") in the date field of those items. The date correctly shows up as "n.d." in Zotero for Firefox, but in the web interface it incorrectly shows as "0000-00-00 n.d.". Also, when the items are retrieved through the Zotero API, the value also is "0000-00-00 n.d." instead of just "n.d.". Our CSL processor then puts "0000-00-00 n.d." instead of "n.d." in citations because it expects the date values to correspond to our raw input.
This looks like a bug. Is there a way to prevent date values from being converted from "n.d." to "0000-00-00 n.d."?
Some items in our Zotero database have no dates, and we need to make that explicit in our citations. Therefore, we enter "n.d." (for "no date") in the date field of those items. The date correctly shows up as "n.d." in Zotero for Firefox, but in the web interface it incorrectly shows as "0000-00-00 n.d.". Also, when the items are retrieved through the Zotero API, the value also is "0000-00-00 n.d." instead of just "n.d.". Our CSL processor then puts "0000-00-00 n.d." instead of "n.d." in citations because it expects the date values to correspond to our raw input.
This looks like a bug. Is there a way to prevent date values from being converted from "n.d." to "0000-00-00 n.d."?
For "no date," though, the answer is quite simple: simply leave the date field empty and let the CSL style insert the "n.d."
I could not find information on the expected input format for date fields in Zotero. The field seems very permissive, leading us to believe anything was allowed. If a standard date is expected, then I guess we'll be on our own and have to find a way to handle this special case (perhaps alter the data after retrieval from the API).
Just tested the API, problem is fixed indeed. Thanks!