Firefox extension and JSTOR

I am using Zotero for Firefox. I attempted to use the Zotero address bar icon to save the document at the URL shown below:

The error message I received was "Could Not Save Item. An error occurred while saving this item. Check Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."

Report ID: 747560181

Operating system: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox 33.0.2
Zotero version

I was able to save this same page using the Zotero Chrome extension.
  • update Zotero to -- your version isn't compatible with Firefox 33.
  • Also make sure your add-ons are set to auto update.
  • Interesting. Prior to generating the error report I did use the Zotero update button to make sure I had the most recent version, and my Zotero is set up to auto update. Even now, using the "Update now" button in the Zotero extension, it tells me that I am "Up to date." with
  • re-install from the Zotero homepage, that does the same as updating. Good chance there's a problem with your network, though, so if that doesn't work, click on the lock icon at the left of the URL bar on this page and tell us what it says.
  • Thank you for your fast reply. It appears to be an issue with my installation of Firefox.

    I was unable to download the Zotero application from the homepage using Firefox. I got the message "The add on could not be downloaded because of a connection failure on"

    I switched over to Chrome and downloaded the app from the homepage with no problems.

    Zotero is now updated in Firefox to and JSTOR documents are saving correctly. Thank you very much for your help.
  • I'd still like to troubleshoot your connection--there is a chance this is caused by malware on your system, and even if not, you'd probably want add-ons to auto-update in the future.
    So what does it say when you click on the lock icon at the left of the URL bar?
  • Clicking on the lock to the left of the URL, I get:

    You are connected to
    Verified by: Bitdefender
    The connection to this website is secure.
  • edited November 6, 2014
    the good news is that this isn't malware, but what Bitdefender is doing is probably a bad idea and will prevent all updates of all add-ons in Firefox. I think the specific tool is something with SSL Secure or so, I'd suggest disabling it. Otherwise, you'll need to keep an eye open for Zotero updates and manually install those.
  • edited December 15, 2014
    I'm having the same issue! Files not saving from Jstor (only Jstor at this point, everything else I've visited works). I have firefox version 34.0.5

    and zotero version

    When I click the icon in the browser bar to add citation, it pops up with a yellow box that says "Saving" but then nothing appears - it doesn't actually save anything. So I'm *not* getting an error message.

    Any tips other than re-installing everything? Fast comments appreciated, on a deadline.
  • different issue, you have up to date versions, so that's not the problem. Start a new thread and run through the troubleshooting steps here, in particular the info under 11:
  • thank you Adam, on it.
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