BibTex missing from Export option dropdown

I'm trying to export a collection and BibTex is not an option on dropdown. I have Zotero Standalone 4.0.23. The Bibtex.js file is in the translator folder.

I submitted and Error Report ID:719815557

  • Can you post a screenshot of the dropdown? (upload it to Dropbox,, or something similar and link to it here) I'd be interested to see if there's anything else missing.

    Thanks and let me know if that didn't work.
  • Looks like you have a custom Zotero BibTeX translator installed (BibTeX-CITEKEY) which probably shares the same translator ID with the official BibTeX translator. If you want to keep the "CITEKEY" version in addition to the official translator, you need to change the ID (open the file and change translator ID to something else. changing one number should be enough). Restart Zotero and you should have both options available. If you don't want to keep both, you can jut delete the BibTeX-CITEKEY file from your translator directory.
  • Awesome! I changed one digit and BibTex was back on the dropdown after the the restart. Thanks!
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