Can't save reference.

Hello all, I've been trying in vain to save a reference from I'm being told my collection can't be updated. I've recently upgraded to Mac OS X.9.5. Here is the bug report number : 257744932.
  • we'd need the URL you're saving from, please
  • I have found myself frustrated a few times by something similar when I tried to add an item and I had not moved away from the Trash collection.
  • when I tried to add an item and I had not moved away from the Trash collection.
    Should Zotero not just save to My Library in this case?
  • agree with Rintze. That's what it does when a saved search is selected, so why not do the same with the trash.
  • edited November 4, 2014
    "You cannot make changes to the currently selected collection."

    I wasn't suggesting a change but was pointing out for Orphée that I have had the same problem -- easily resolved.

    Indeed, I shudder to think that my offer of assistance could cause a change in basic Zotero behavior. I hate the idea of items moving to My Library when a collection isn't selected. My library is large and items added that way tend to get lost. (I know that I can sort by date added but that extra step is tedious.) Items being saved to My Library is the main reason I don't often use the bookmarklet to save items from my tablet.

    Ignore that last paragraph. I just rediscovered the Unfiled Items collection. That makes everything wonderful again and makes me feel like a nitwit for making the complaint. I keep the paragraph in place because, within the large population of Zotero users, others too may have overlooked this simple but useful thing.
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