Creation of two or many bibliographies from a single text

Dears Zotero members,

I cite two king of litterature, one from hard science publications, the other from social science publications. I would like to publish two diffrents bibliographies at the end of my thesis.

For the moment, the only solution I have, is to automatically published the bibliography, then to separate it, manually, into two differents bibliographies.

Would it be possible to have a module allowing, when we insert citation in the texte, to indicate the final bibliography destination. In my case, I would have the choice, each time I insert a citation, to put in "bibliography one" (e.g hard science publications), or in "bibliography two" (e.g. social science publications).

This would be a great tool allowing to get clearest bibliography, and not wasting time to do and redo manually the bibliographies (from a single one) if we change/added/removed some citations.

Many thanks for your consideration.
  • You can currently do this:
    and you can use the Extra field for custom sorting in a similar vein, but I realize this is quite clumsy.

    Allowing sectioning bibliographies in the Word add-on is something I'd like to see happen and I think it is generally on the agenda, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon (i.e. I'd be very surprised to see it within a year and it may well be much longer).
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