Modifying Styles
I am working as researcher (psychologist) at a medical department at the University of Freiburg Germany. For publications we need styles, slightly different form the ones listed on the Zotero-pages. Our decision to switch to Zotero as our standard reference software depends very much on the availability of correct styles and/or a tool for modification of styles.
It would be very helpful to have an editor for styles (and a documentation) enabling to duplicate a style and to modify the copy.
Is such a tool anywhere out there? Can anybody help?
It would be very helpful to have an editor for styles (and a documentation) enabling to duplicate a style and to modify the copy.
Is such a tool anywhere out there? Can anybody help?
The other tool, the style generator, is a tool for creating styles from scratch. You can give it a try here.
One of these tools may fit your needs.
Note, there is currently a much more robust style generator under development. I am not sure when it will be released.
Thanks for pointing to the CSLedit tool. I used it to modify a style (the Cell journal dev style), saved the edited version as a .csl file, and opened this file in Firefox. Can you tell me how to apply this style to the word plugin? The changes I made don't appear in a word file...
<title>American Medical Association</title>
I will now attempt to upload my fixed version of the Cell style to the style repository...