APA: Zotero seems to cite wrong.. (u.a. insted of et al.)
Hello everybody
First question: Is it possible, that Zotero switches to the german abbreviation "u.a." instead of "et al." because i'm writing in german? And if so, how can i change that?
Second question: If I remember this right, in APA style, if there are up to 6 authors you cite them all the first time and then you use "et al." for further citations (if there are more than 3 authors of course). Zotero starts using "et al." (well actually "u.a.") from 5 authors on. And then again: How can I change that?
Does anyone have the same problem? It'd be great to get some help from you guys, because it's really annoying to always correct the citations especially when writing a pretty long master thesis.
Thanks a lot for your support!
First question: Is it possible, that Zotero switches to the german abbreviation "u.a." instead of "et al." because i'm writing in german? And if so, how can i change that?
Second question: If I remember this right, in APA style, if there are up to 6 authors you cite them all the first time and then you use "et al." for further citations (if there are more than 3 authors of course). Zotero starts using "et al." (well actually "u.a.") from 5 authors on. And then again: How can I change that?
Does anyone have the same problem? It'd be great to get some help from you guys, because it's really annoying to always correct the citations especially when writing a pretty long master thesis.
Thanks a lot for your support!
2. APA lists up to five authors for the first citation. That's what Zotero does, too
Zu deiner ersten Frage habe ich jetzt nach ewig langer Suche eine Lösung gefunden, daher teile ich sie mit dir:
Gehe zu Einstellungen-->Erweitert-->CSL Editor öffnen. Relativ weit oben hat es eine Zeile, in der steht " <info>". Setze den Cursor hinten drann, drücke Enter und füge folgendes ein:
<locale xml:lang="de">
<term name="et-al">et al.</term>
Das hat bei mir funktioniert. Bei dir?
Falls du eine Lösung bzgl. der zweiten Frage findest, bitte poste sie hier, das bräuchte ich auch.
Zotero listet bis zu 5 AutorInnen im ersten Zitat, danach bis 2. Das sind die APA Regeln.
Funktioniert das nicht oder willst Du das anders haben?