Bug in CSL processing?

I noticed something strange for references formatted with Harvard 3 (http://www.zotero.org/styles/harvard3/dev): for a book section, the section title is enclosed in quotes, which is correct. However, the comma that should be placed after the quotes, is placed inside them, directly after the section title, e.g.:

Adams, D 1979, “Chapter 1,” in Mouse & Oak (eds)

instead of

Adams, D 1979, “Chapter 1”, in Mouse & Oak (eds)

In the CSL code, the quotes are specified in the title-macro ("<text variable="title" quotes="true"/>"), while the use of the comma is specified as a prefix within the bibliography element:

<text macro="title" prefix=" "/>
<group class="container" prefix=", ">
<text term="in" text-case="lowercase"/>

Is this behavior a bug in the processing of the CSL?
  • I just discovered that the 'bug' I described above is just the American way of doing things ;) (also see http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-pun1.htm). However, as Harvard 3 is based on an Australian style guide, it should follow the British rules of punctuation. Is it already possible to specify this behaviour in CSL?
  • edited September 27, 2008
    Not yet, but soon.

    See https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/989
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