How do I move Zotero's Collections to a new directory?


I tried and failed to move my Zotero collection (including all attached PDFs) from the default location in my Linux system /home/Ray/.mozilla/firefox/4714179.default/zotero

I want to move it to a new location where I keep all my documents. This will make backing up easier.

Could someone please help out the noob?

Thank you!

I'm also trying to see if I can sync Zotero on my Linux system with a portable USB version.
  • edited September 22, 2008
    Could you explain a bit more about how moving your Zotero collection failed?

    Keep in mind that switching the location of your data directory from Zotero's preferences does not move your collection, it simply tells Zotero to look in a different location for your collection. If this is what you did you will still need to move the Zotero folder to the location you told Zotero to look for it.
  • Hi!
    Thanks for answering my post.

    I tried to move the Zotero folder
    from its default location at /home/Ray/.mozilla/firefox/4714179.default/zotero

    to /home/Ray/RayDocs/University_PDF_archive/Bibliography Database (Zotero)
    I just pasted the zotero folder into "Bibliography Database (Zotero)"

    But when I restarted Firefox, my collections did not appear in Zotero. What did I do wrong? Does the Zotero folder have to be inside the Firefox folder in order to work?

    I hope someone can help me resolve this! Thanks!
  • Did you specify the new location in the Advanced pane of the Zotero prefs?
  • Yes, I specified the location in the Advanced Pane of 'Preferences'. Did I do this correctly? Should I try again? I just don't dare do anything to lose my data.

    Do I move ONLY the Zotero folder? Or do I have to move the entire Firefox profile at ".mozilla/firefox/4714179.default/zotero" folder that contains Zotero?
  • Changing the storage location in Zotero has no effect on your data, so you can safely try again (though, if you're concerned, and as a general principle, you should make a backup copy of your data directory).

    And yes, you only need to move the 'zotero' folder, which should contain zotero.sqlite and a 'storage' directory.
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