CMOS 14.127

I need to be able to output the example note 40 (and corresponding bib) in CMOS 14.127 (p. 713-14).

40. Herbert Barrows, Reading the Short Story, vol. 1 of An Introduction to Literature, ed. Gordon N. Ray (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959).

Barrows, Herbert. Reading the Short Story. Vol 1 of An Introduction to Literature, edited by Gordon N. Ray. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959.

I am in MLZ.

Thx, M
  • can't be done at this point. We need a field for volume title which we don't have, neither in Zotero nor in CSL
  • What's the best alternative for an entry like this?
  • edited October 13, 2014
    MLZ has a Volume Title field. An example entry is here.

    I don't think that MLZ Chicago Full Note supports volume title yet -- I added it to get a Japanese legal style working -- but it could certainly be tweaked to work. Shall I take a look?
  • (sorry, should have checked. Do you map that to container-title or a new variable in csl-m?)
  • OK, great. I'm pretty sure we'll go that route with vanilla CSL, too.
  • Yeah, I tried MLZ CMOS from 9/15 yesterday to see if it had the output, because I did notice and populate the Volume Title field. But it does not appear to have it yet. My method is right click on entry | create bibliography | output mode bibliography | copy to clipboard. I'd love to see it activated in CMOS. Thanks! Mark
  • I'll look at it this weekend.
  • Okay, thanks much. M
  • edited October 25, 2014
    A progress note. I have code in place for MLZ Chicago Full Note that renders volume-title on book and chapter items.

    Before publishing it, I want to revisit the style tests, to be sure everything else is working as expected. The finished style should be ready by this time tomorrow.
  • edited October 25, 2014
    The MLZ Chicago Full Note style should now support titled volumes correctly. The "Editor" will be handled as the editor of the named volume, and "Series Editor" as the overall editor of the set of volumes.

    The new release of the style also fixes numerous small issues revealed by the test suite. Most of the changes are limited to legal support (from pulling in the latest MLZ Bluebook style code), but there are a few others. If you spot any anomalies, just give a shout.
  • Could this be adopted for the standard Chicago styles, too?

    pandoc-citeproc has been supporting "volume-title" for a long time (and is also able to convert the corresponding biblatex title/booktitle/maintitle fields to CSL's title/volume-title/container-title).

    volume-title could be used in standard Zotero, too, via the workaround of putting, e.g., `{:volume-title: An Introduction to Literature}` in the Extra field (see, though I assume citeproc-js would have to be patched, too.
  • I have no insight on the rest, but I'll just say that if there is any hacking to be done
    volume-title could be used in standard Zotero, too, via the workaround of putting, e.g., `{:volume-title: An Introduction to Literature}` in the Extra field
    I would suggest using something like "Volume Title: An introduction to literature" on a separate line in the Extra field. While that won't be recognized right now, there's a chance that this may make it possible to transition the data into a dedicated field later on.
  • edited October 26, 2014
    Well, the workaround I described has the advantage of being in place already and, if used with official CSL variables, and with styles recognizing these variables, rendering correct bibliographies, both in Zotero, and in pandoc when using Zotero as a database, e.g. via zotxt.

    As per, the workaround has been implemented by fbennett in citeproc-js in May 2011, and it works very well with all official CSL variables (except names), e.g., "{:original-date: 1932-03-09}".

    I'd be glad if citeproc-js accepted volume-title, and if the most important styles, including the Chicago variants, were modified.

    Of course it'd be highly appreciated if styles were adjusted to render a number of other official CSL variables that currently cannot be used via Zotero's regular fields, such as original-date, or status.

    (A few other variables that currently cannot be accessed via regular Zotero fields, such as DOI (for books and book chapters), or ISBN (for reports), even work out of the box with most styles.)

    As to data transition/migration once Zotero gets additional fields, I feel mapping Extra field content matching the patterns used by fbennett’s workaround to dedicated Zotero fields would be straightforward - which of course would not rule out mapping Extra field content following your suggestion to dedicated Zotero fields either.
  • edited October 26, 2014
    Yeah, the syntax described by nickbart above (a legacy from pre-MLZ days) is still in the processor, and enabled by default. For reference, the option can be set in a built processor instance with:
    citeproc.opt.development_extensions.field_hack = <true|false>;
    I just checked in official Zotero, and a style with <text variable="volume-title"/> is (of course) not valid CSL, so you have to waive the warning to install it; but an item with {:volume-title: Hello} at the start of the Extra field does render "Hello" in a style that calls the variable.

    So the infrastructure is there. When the field_hack option first appeared, Zotero did not have built-in CSL validation, so there was (quite reasonable) concern about confusion and loss of uniformity. Now that invalid styles prompt a warning, those issues might be less severe, but it's a judgment call for the Zotero team.

    When I used to suggest using the Extra-field extension syntax to people, it was always with a caveat that it was a hacked-in facility that might be withdrawn at some point; I reckon that that caveat would still apply, unless the core team were to come out affirmatively in favor of leaving it enabled.

    Edit: Corrected the syntax of the example.
  • Bravo! Thanks a zillion Frank! Mark
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