Chapter in a report

Hi there,

I'm saving all my professors writings in Zotero, and have this way stumbled upon a problem.
He has written a chapter (called XX) in a report (called YY). So he is the author of the chapter and then there is also an editor of the whole report.
But right now it's not possible to include both XX and YY when saving the reference as a "Report".
It would be a big help if there could be both a "Report title" and a "Title of Chapter in the report".

  • Is a book section not a good fit? Can it not represent some metadata that you need cited?
  • Yes, it can. But I'm not sure how it will appear in the list of references. For example, a report often has a number attached to it, whereas that's not the case for books. So I don't think it's the best solution.
  • So as you've discovered, there's no Report Section type (I don't believe it's planned either, but I may be wrong on that). If you need to cite a report section, I would recommend using book section instead. If the said report contains things like report number or report type that need to be cited, your only options right now are to either hack that metadata into some other field that would make the citation come out right (e.g. "My Report. No. 5" (in the Book Title field); or to edit the bibliography manually (in the final editing stages).
  • There's been a lot of requests for report sections. They're apparently very common in archaeology. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to do that. IIRC most of the discussion is in the central new types/fields thread.
  • Just wondering if there are still plans to add report sections? I've got quite a few that have separately authored sections/chapters.
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