Synchronization hangs firefox
I have been using sync preview for couple of weeks with webdav storage on a local server. Syncing tends to hang the browser for long periods. This is annoying as running zotero is not the sole use of firefox (there is also the web browsing).
I may no know enough to ask this but is it possible to do the syncing and the grabbing of the items in a separate threads?
I may no know enough to ask this but is it possible to do the syncing and the grabbing of the items in a separate threads?
You can run Zotero with debug output enabled to watch the progress.
One thing that I noticed in the debug output is that when loading for the first time zotero sends separate queries for each collection (I hope I got this right). My library has 17 collections and some of them are nested 3 levels deep. Firefox is mostly frozen while these queries run.
Finaly I am getting consecutive runs of this message in the debug output:
zotero(3): Switching lastCreatorFieldMode to 0
Thanks for the response.