Renaming Original *.pdf's
To add files to my Zotero Standalone with Zotfile I drag & drop pdfs from a custom Data Directory Location (I have left the Base attachment option blank) - in other words a specific source folder on my HDD to which I copy all my relevant pdfs before copying them into Zotero. I retrieve metadat, & then use manage attachments, rename attachments. Within Zotfile, Renaming rules in Zotfile Preferences I have NOT ticked "Use Zotero to rename" & have made slight adjustments to renaming protocol.
All I want to do is to select all my correctly extracted items within Zotero, and rename the "original pdfs" in my HDD source folder. Sometimes this works & other times not - what am i doing wrong?
All I want to do is to select all my correctly extracted items within Zotero, and rename the "original pdfs" in my HDD source folder. Sometimes this works & other times not - what am i doing wrong?
Are you actually talking about the ZotFile setting called "Source Folder for Attaching new Files"? This is probably irrelevant to this discussion. The Linked Attachment Base Directory setting in Zotero tells Zotero to create _relative_ links when linking to files within said directory. This is only relevant if you're syncing/using the linked files on computers where the linked files would be at a different location in the file system.
You may also be referring to the "Base Folder" setting in ZotFile preferences under Tablet Settings (that would likely be completely irrelevant to what you're trying to do though). You need to be clear about which setting you are referring to. When you drag & drop PDFs to Zotero, the PDFs are not linked (by default). Instead, they are copied to the Zotero data directory (ZotFile may alter what happens to these PDFs afterwards by, for example, automatically moving them out of the data directory) and the originals are left in your "source directory". When you use ZotFile to rename attachments based on metadata, you also have an option to move the files out of the Zotero data directory into some arbitrary directory on your computer. If you have ZotFile set up to move the files back into your source directory, this could make it seem like some of your files are being renamed and not others (and in general, this would be a very confusing setup).
I think what you probably want to do is set a Custom Location in ZotFile Preferences -> General Settings -> Location of Files to where you want your PDFs to end up eventually (I'd suggest against using the source directory here). Then drag & drop the files while holding Ctrl+Shift into Zotero (this creates a link to files, rather than copying them into Zotero data directory). Now retrieve metadata and use ZotFile's Manage Attachments -> Rename Attachmets feature. Your PDFs will remain as links, will be renamed based on metadata, and will be moved to the destination folder.
At this point, if something is not working, we can debug it properly.
Hi - thanks for detailed reply. Before answering your specific ponts, may I give an example? I am using Web of Science or browsing web, & I come across a paper or report I want. I download it to a specific folder on my HDD, namely C:\ZotRefs. The downloaded pdf has a meaningless (to me) name like "S-01_867087.pdf". I copy this file to Zotero & extract the metadata.
What I want is Zotero or Zotfile to then use this metadata to rename my original pdf (in this example,"S-01_867087.pdf") to the child format of "Author_date_title".
" I can't imagine a situation where you would actually want to drag & drop PDFs from the Zotero Data Directory." OK the directory I am using both for downloading pdfs from web & storing them is the same as the one where my z.sqlite file lands up plus associated folders (Locate, Storage etc) - namely C:\ZotRefs in 1st para above. Presumably this is because I have specified this folder in Zotero under (cogwheel) Zotero Preferences/Files & Folders/Data Directory Location = Custom = C:\ZotRefs [[This should answer yur first query: What are you referring to here when you say "custom Data Directory Location"? In Zotero terms, "Data Directory" is the directory where your Zotero database (zotero.sqlite) and stored attachments ("storage" folder) are located.]] Under Zotfile Preferences/General Settings/ I add Source Folder for attaching new files as this Directory Custom: "C:\ZotRefs" & tick "watch source folder box" (probably not releant). I then go to renaming rules & just fiddle with settings, but key is I do not tick "Use Zotero to rename"
You then say "If you have ZotFile set up to move the files back into your source directory, this could make it seem like some of your files are being renamed and not others (and in general, this would be a very confusing setup)." currently I have not done so, but presumably if I were to do it, this uses the Tablet Settings/Basefolder option?
I am now going to go & re-try the suggestion in your last para, but I am pretty sure this is what I did with some test pdfs. By the way - you clearly think I should not be keeping my "original pdfs" in te same folder as the sqlite & journal files etc? Probably badhousekeeping on my part (altho seems logical ;-) ) altho AdamSmith corrected me from synching this folder, & especially not the sqlite files ...!!
I'll be back
OK - let me just summarise results of my "test" - I set up C:\temp & dragged & dropped 4 files to a new Zot subdirectory, followed procedure & hey presto, got back 4 "correctly labelled" pdfs (ie Author_date_title.) 2 things: 1) it took a while for these to come thro, ie minutes, not seconds (I have decent speed laptop) so presuming this is indicative of time lapse, I think I was probably over-hasty when I tried getting Zot to relabel/move some 3 - 4000 items (despite Not Responding) having finished displaying. SO NO BUG - just human error (me!!).
2) Can you confirm this is "correct housekeeping"
a) download all source pdfs to eg C:\Zot_downloads. This is where my "original" pdfs will be stored (that I subsequently drop & drag into Zot)
b) I drag & drop these files into zot, retrieve metadata, & then use "manage attachments, rename attachments."
c) Having told Zotfile under "Location of Files" to send the renamed pdfs to e.g. C:\Zot_refs, I will find COPIES of the original pdfs in the "new" folder location C:\Zot_refs correctly labelled?
d) Finally, my key "internal workings" of Zotero such as sqlite plus the folders storage etc are now sitting in C:\Zot_downloads (obviously depending on me setting "C:\Zot_downloads" in Zotero Settings "Files & Folders/Data Directory Location/Custom "C:\Zot_downloads" (but leaving "Linked Attachment Base Directory" blank and also in Zotfile Source Folder for Attaching New Files: Custom = C:\Zot_downloads). In order to get Zotfile via Zot "manage attachments, rename attachments." to send "correctly named" pdfs to my newly created C:\Zot_refs. THAT'S IT??
OK - let me send this & then I'l respond to your above post. THANKS.
Folder 1: where my pdf downloads go
Folder 2: where all the Zotero folders & folders go including sqlite & storage
Folder 3: where my "relabelled" pdfs are sent by Zotfile/Zotero
To be honest, I am not clear how to set these up. Could you give an Idiot's Guide? MUCH APPRECIATED
Re - why don't I use Zot properly? Cos I struggle!!
More seriously, I rapidly filled my FF Zotero web storage, & had cloud backup on SugarSync, MS OneDrive (absolutely useless) & Jottacloud (clunky as hell, but cheap). Me, paranoid! So I was relatively loathe to pay for more cloud storage. Also, I had 4 or 5K pdfs to downlaod into Zot aready on my HDD. So i guess I was lazy. But also, I notice that Zot Standalone does not have all the bells & whistles taht the FF Zot has, so to be honest I just haven't used it as you suggest I should.
you have just responded - OK - not sure what time zone you are in, but I had a break for supper ;-)
If you could respond to my query that would be great - I think I will need to test out the FF Zotero Standalaone button & see how I fare!!
Really appreciate your time & commitment
PS - 2nd time I have had error msg - There was a problem authenticating your post info??!!
Try these settings (close Zotero):
1. Create two direcotries: C:\Zotero_data and C:\Zotero_pdfs (you can name them whatever you want, just trying to make things clear).
2. Into your C:\Zotero_data directory, copy over your zotero.sqlite file and the "storage" directory from wherever they are stored now.
3. Start Zotero. Go to Preferences -> Advanced -> Files and Folders and set your Data Directory Location to C:\Zotero_data. Restart Zotero/Firefox as instructed.
4. In ZotFile Preferences, set:
General Settings -> Source Folder for Attaching new Files to C:\temp (or something else... doesn't matter right now, just not any of the two directories above).
General Settings -> Location of Files to C:\Zotero_pdfs
Renaming Rules to whatever you want
Advanced Settings -> Other Advanced Settings -> Automatically rename new attachments to Always Rename (up to you if you want to be asked to rename. Set other settings in that section as you see fit)
5. Go to and save the article using the URL bar icon. You should get metadata in Zotero and the PDF should end up in C:\Zotero_pdfs renamed and all.
This should also work similarly with "Retrieve Metadata", but come back once this is working and I'll give you a better alternative to that. Happens if you take a while to post a message. Just hit "Add your comments" again.
Hi - & many thanks. Its getting late & if I start implementing your suggestions tonight I will make mistakes. I will get into it when I can tomorrow.
One Q: I'll post feedback on this after a week or so - should I post on here or start a new discussion.
Much appreciated
Hmmm - interesting!!
I have set up three folders as suggested, and downloaded some pdfs via the FF option (2 ways - sometimes clicking on pdf to download, this immediately gives option to download into Zot; other times pdf has to be opened first within FF, & then "save as" to Zot.
Zot then says "Saving Link", & then opens metadata search (still getting the "no matching refs" occassionally)
BUT - despite visibly seeing the items I have downloaded sitting in central pane of Zot, & being renamed when metadata available,the three folders I set up on my HDD remain empty of any *.pdf - Strange!
If I open the "Storage" folder within Zot_data (this also contains sqlite etc as discussed yesterday & following your last set of instructions)I find the folders for each of the downloaded pdfs containing the respective pdf & the 2 z-ft-cache & -info files. Interestingly, the pdfs are named gobbledygook.pdf as when initially downloaded - of the 4 files downloaded, 2 had metadata & were renamed within Zot, & the other 2 had no metadata & remained with original names. Normally (or previously) Zot would at rename the files where there was relevant metadata.
One other point - how do you change date format in central panel from USA to logical European ddmmyyyy ;-) reloading last night I noticed all had changed to European, only for this morning to find date had reverted!!
Finally - can you recommend an IDIOTS GUIDE to Zot?? I have googled & experimented for past year, but I probably learnt as much yesterday from your interactions as I previously knew!
You suggested 3 folders:
1) Zot_data
2) Zot_pdfs
3) Zot_temp
I realise they can be labelled "anything", but from your post I interpreted them as
1) Zot_data: holds all the internal Zotero files & folders (Storage, sqlite etc)
2) Zot_pdfs: assumed this to be where "source" pdfs were held - ie those downloaded from web (or wherever - my store of the "original" pdfs)
3) Zot_temp: where Zot sent the renamed files where it had collected the metadata.
I think I have 2) & 3) mixed up!
But you're also still missing the point of how this is supposed to work. You're not supposed to be downloading PDFs. Go to the page I linked above and click the URL bar icon. If your settings are correct (you're welcome to post screenshots of all the relevant preferences), your renamed PDFs would end up in Zot_pdfs. (that should also happen after you _successfully_ use Retrieve Metadata.
For general usage of Zotero, see
I opened this 1/2 hour ago & went to Zot Documentation (& quick start) & searched for "date format" - the wheel is still turning & this is an issue I remember from 18 mo back when I started using Zot. I have tried loads of other search items in both google box & the Zot box with same outcome (ie never finishes search)
Hence my query re an idiots guide (but detailed - most stuff too superficial)
Anyway - THANKS
Hi - thanks for images.
My problem seems to be very site-dependent - tandard academic sites (WoS etc) behave "properly" - the grey literature is more difficult.
I have done screen grabs etc to show what I mean, but not sure how to attach. Probably not too important. By the way, I mentioned above that some files were renamed & sent tonew folder automatically, but others not. I these latter, so long as there is associated metadata I can manually get pdfs moved over to required folder using the manage attach/rename attach.
WOW - something v odd going on - just checked & downloaded an iied file via download/save to zot/retrieve metadata, manually retrieve metadata, then go to Manage attachments, and top option is Warning !!!??? Anyway - fails to rename - over to you guys ...