troubleshoot ID: 364809826

As notified in the semi-automatic report, I notify in forum a trouble occurred on a Zotero 4.0.22 addon to Firefox 32.0.3 on OS Lubuntu 14.04 LTS, all up to date.
The report wrote many times the line
[JavaScript Error: "aucun élément trouvé" {file: "" line: 1}]
25 times I presume.
As a total final user not concerned with coding nor informatics -- neither with English language, sorry for this mess. -- I report here as it was recommanded during the auto process
  • The error you quote above isn't related to Zotero, but I think you mean that you got the error in the middle pane of Zotero that tells you you have to restart it. If you get that repeatedly, post again and let us know.

    For reference, here's the relevant error:
    State check failed due to transaction in progress
  • (Also, we'll respond in English, but posting in French here is no problem.)
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