Thumbnail icons also for linked pdfs

The attachment pdfs show a proper thumbnail icon.
Instead the linked pdfs show just a generic icon with the "chain" symbol. It would be nice to have a proper thumbnail icon also for the linked pdfs (preferably with the "chain" additional symbol over it).

Is this possible? I saw another post (link below) that was asking to extend the thumbnail icons also for other types of attachments -not just pdfs.

Here I am just asking whether the proper icons already in use can be shown to the linked files too. The contextual menu, in fact, already shows the proper pdf icon, but not so in the Zotero main window. Thanks.

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  • Science2002's question from 2014 is on my mind.

    For those of us using Zotfile to manage file storage outside the default Zotero storage folders, having thumbnail icons for linked attachments would be a big plus. Currently, all linked attachments appear with a generic icon that has a little chain-link on it. (In the display pane, file names are often too long to see their extensions.)

    Incidentally, I have noticed that advanced searches by Attachment Type do recognize the difference between, say, PDFs and Web pages, even when they are linked attachments. This is excellent.

    I wonder if thumbnail icons for linked attachments could have, e.g., the standard PDF icon with a chain superimposed on it, signaling "linked." I could imagine some users wanting to preserve that information in the image. If something like this is already in the works, my thanks in advance. If not, I wonder if it's a feature others are interested in.
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