Extra period (sign) appeared in bibliography

Report ID: 2076040217
Has anything changed in Zotero Standalone for the last week? I have used the Russian GOST R 7.0.5-2008 style for bibliography for several months and it worked greatly. Today I updated the bibliography in my paper and all authors got extra period after their initials. I tried to reinstall CSL-style but it wouldn`t resolve the problem. Looks like Zotero now interprets those styles in a different manner. What can be the matter and how to fix it?
  • This will be fixed soon. Please stand by.
  • @romanraspopov,

    The duplicate punctuation you are seeing should be addressed by the latest CSL processor release. You will need Zotero for Firefox to test it. If you could check that it does solve the problem, it would be a great help.

    Test by installing the CSL processor patch plugin alongside Zotero for Firefox (the plugin will not work in Standalone). The only effect of the plugin is to swap in the latest version of the processor; you can (and should) remove it when Zotero is next updated.

    Let us know how it goes. If this resolves the issue, it should make it into the next Zotero release.
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