Attach a Note to Tag and Collection

In a well documented database, or in a thesaurus, in a good list of tag or key-words, it's very useful to have a definition or some informations about the words/expression used.

Even, for just one user when the number of tag came very high, it's not easy to remember what a tag really mean. In a team, I think it's necessary that each member have the same comprehension of the tags used...

So, I think it'll be very useful if we can attach a note to a Tag to describe it.

1) In a literature database, I "tag" all characters to make a dictionnary of fictionnal characters: tag = character's name. I need a Note link to each tag-characters to give a bref and general description of them. After that, I'll find quotations about this character, tag it with, for exemple (at least) 2 tags: 1) tag-name 2) tag- "Family" with a quotation/comment as note 3) tag- "Physical description" with a quotation/comment as note, and so on...

In a lexical/linguistic research, it will be the same: list of term/tag with a definition of it, as for "oxymoron", after that I can find all "oxymoron" in my corpus, make a note with the quotation and tag it "Oxymoron". At the end, I will have a definition of Oxymoron and multiples exemples about how writers use it...

Thinking about team work and collaboration between many searchers (share a Zotero database online should be possible soon!?), it will be useful if we can also ad a note to Collection (wich could be "make" with save search too) to give a description of its contents, explanation about critera on items we put in, etc. Our Zotero database are going to be more and more important, with more items, more collections, more notes, more tags...

I think we will have to improve Zotero to have more tools to manage and organise our contents.There was my suggestions...

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