URL to linko to a Zotero reference
I think it would be great if you could link to a particular Zotero reference from a word document or another web app.
I use mindmeister.com for my online mind maps, and it would be good if I could include a link like 'zotero://docid' so I can easily get to the files I'm taking notes from.
I use mindmeister.com for my online mind maps, and it would be good if I could include a link like 'zotero://docid' so I can easily get to the files I'm taking notes from.
This isn't very elegant, but it does work:
1. click "Show File" for the file in Zotero
2. Copy the address in the address bar to that folder
3. click insert hyperlink in Word
4. Paste the copied address into the address field in the insert Hyperlink window.
5. add a "\" then type the name of the file.
Maybe there is an easier way to do it, or maybe it could be added.
Is that what you are after? Or did I miss your point?
There is a real need to link to a Zotero *reference* (not just a file) from outside,
e.g. from a google notebook. Otherwise one cannot refer to that
reference in any discussion. For me this is a complete show stopper. PLEASE include
that feature.
Thank you !
(N.B. The method discussed by arggem -for a file, not a reference- does not seem to work for me. When I click "Show File" there does not seem to be any address
that I could copy.)
Do you have the address bar showing? (View/toolbars/address bar)
Yes. The difficulty was that documents open in my setup external viewers, like acrobat, which does not easily show the location of the file. It is available though within Zotero: show file opens a window in which the file is listed, right-click and selecting properties provides a location like /..../Zotero/storage/13482.
However, this does *not* solve the problem: Zotero references appear to be a black box, to which one cannot create links. Standard situation: I write some note, outside of zotero, with several references. I can now only link to the corresponding pdf, but *not* to the full zotero information associated with these references.
All the extra info (bibliographic data, notes, attachments, links...) are not accessible.
Each and every reference would require a separate search within zotero. That can't be the way to go. Too clumsy.
Is there any other way ?
An alternative would be to use zotero for everything, all note-taking, essay-writing, linking, scrapbook, .... - but that's not what it is designed for.
Please help.
This is such a big limitation of Zotero.
A database into which one cannot link !
- Minor: When I try this, the link first opens Zotero without highlighting the specific item. Highlighting then happens upon entering the address again (or on entering it first time with Zotero already open).
- Is the item number the same between synchronized instances of Zotero on different computers ?