Mobile web menu not working in Safari on iOS 8

I'm not able to get the mobile site menu to work in Safari on iOS 8. Tapping the menu button shows that a touch is detected (color changes), but nothing happens. Works correctly on Chrome in iOS 8.
  • Please further explain your problem. By "mobile site menu" do you refer to your library on the Zotero website when accessed through an iPad? Specifically, which menu button?

    I ask because I often use my iPad to access my library on the Zotero website without any problems. I now use iOS 8 and have had no problems when I use Safari to view my Zotero library. Maybe I haven't tried to do what you are attempting.
  • I meant the large red Zotero button in the top right of the mobile (phone) version of the site. The iPad displays the full (desktop) version of the site. For about three days, tapping the button did not display the menu (Library, Groups, Fourums, etc.). All of a sudden, it has started working again. No idea why, though the problem seems to be resolved.
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