ABNT | Citation of Legal Materials

Dear All,

There are 7 different citation styles which make reference to the "ABNT" rules (Brazilian citation standards). Nonetheless, none of them deals properly with legal statutes and judicial cases.

The way cases and statutes are cited in Brazil are strongly different from the way they are cited in the US and Britain, and the use of the "Case" style is not appropriate without being adjusted.

I have been using the Journal Article style, playing with the field (e.g., inputting the name of the court in the "Series" field) to reach a result which is close to what I need. It still requires editing, though - for example, to indicate the name of the judge who reported the case.

In case anyone volunteers, I would be glad to help by explaining how the citation should appear in the document.

Help would be appreciated.
  • Try posting to one of the existing threads on ABNT, see if one of the people who wrote them is interested. I stay away from legal citations as much as I can and that includes UK/US ones.
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