Show only the year in the date field

It would be much neater to have an option to only show the year in the date field. Because some citations have a year and a month while others don't.
  • sorry, that's not clear to me. Are you talking about citations or about the item display in Zotero? Citation styles can be adjusted to do that. For the item display in Zotero I don't see why you'd ever want that (you _can_ only display the year in the middle panel, there's a separate column for that).
  • I am talking about the item display in Zotero. It's not so usefull to quickly spot the year if there is a list with mixed details.


    reference 1: 'Name' 'Title' 'june 1996'
    reference 2: 'Name' 'Title' '02/1996'
    reference 3: 'Name' 'Title' '1996'

    so in the item list you get a mix of these and it gives a 'messy' look. A bit unpractical. But ye it's a minor issue, just something that annoyed me a bit.
  • As I say, there's a "Year" column that you can use instead of date. Click on the little table icon at the top right of the middle panel.
  • Ow I'm sorry I didn't understand, ok thank you!
  • edited September 15, 2014
    Hi, when I put the Year , to the right appears the letter "Y". How can I take this letter Out of all my Bibliography?
    Thank you very much
    Ana MarĂ­a
  • Can you provide an example? Which citation style?
  • Yes, when I add the year of any publication in the box to the right (no citation style, only filling the box to the right providing initial information about the publication ) inmediately appears "Y" in the right extreme of the year added. It ocurrs in all the cases
    Thank you very much
    Ana Ma
  • Or are you referring to the Zotero interface? If so, that letter will not appear anywhere in Zotero output. It just indicates the order of date parts that Zotero is interpreting.

    Either way, start a new thread please. This is unrelated to OPs question.
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