Possible to get a translator for japanfocus.org?

is an important free, open-source, online journal of Asia-Pacific affairs (full disclosure, I have an article on the site), and it would be great to have a translator for the site. Is this possible?

Should note that because it's an online journal, there's the info on the site (title, author, URL, etc.) and also a "recommended citation" listed, which includes the journal's full name, vol/iss, and date -- but not, interestingly, the URL...

For example:

East Asian Regionalism and the End of the Asia-Pacific: After American Hegemony
Mark Beeson

Recommended citation:

Mark Beeson, “East Asian Regionalism and the End of the Asia-Pacific: After American Hegemony” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 2-2-09, January 10, 2009.
  • edited September 10, 2014
    That website is quite messy. Yes, it's technically possible to write a translator that would parse the metadata from that site, but it will take considerable effort. I don't think that any of the usual coders here (myself included) are going to be motivated enough to take up the work.

    I would suggest that you contact the website administrator and ask that they provide their metadata in some popular format (e.g. https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/exposing_metadata#using_an_open_standard_for_exposing_metadata or even a simple link to RIS/BibTeX/Endnote metadata). We would still have to write a translator for it, but at least with significantly less effort and much improved reliability. Plus, exposing their metadata would allow other citation managers to import it too.
  • Thank you for the suggestion. I will see what I can do.
  • exposing metadata would also help other reference managers. E.g. they have a "Save to Mendeley" button at the top, but when you try import actually fails.
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