Request for Vancouver style bibliography option

This is a request for Vancouver style bibliography option which is the most common method of citation adopted in medical journals. I tried using the style generator, but realized that I had no clue as to how to get the macro etc. into the system.
The citation system closest to the Vancouver system is the National Library of Medicine system. Thanks.
  • there's been a ticket for this for ages - is there a particular difficulty in creating the style? (and I agree, Vancouver is very much standard and should be included)
  • Modifying the NLM style should be fairly straightforward operation. Any volunteers?
  • On closer inspection, it appears that NLM and Vancouver are identical. Is anyone aware of any differences between the two? If so, please provide documentation.
  • NLM and Vancouver are pretty similar; The title of the article follows the author names. Then comes the journal title. After that it gets a little different. Here is an example:

    NLM: Libert N, Leclerc T, De Rudnicki S. Cricothyroidotomy. N Engl J Med. 2008 Sep 4;359(10):1073-4.

    Vancouver: Libert N, Leclerc T, De Rudnicki S. Cricothyroidotomy. N Engl J Med 2008;359:1073-1074.
  • Thanks for the example. Unfortunately, we're going to need a lot more information and examples. Can you point us to some documentation?
  • Please follow this link:
  • I've recently developed a Vancouver style for refbase, and I've found following Vancouver style guides useful: citing:
  • There is a great deal of contradiction in the above documentation, but we have added a Vancouver style to based primarily on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
  • Thank you everyone!
  • Thanks for the Vancouver style, very helpful.
  • I am writing a journal article that requires Vancouver style references in brackets, i.e., "[2]" rather than in parentheses. What can I do?

    Thank you!

    Zotero 1.0.7
    OpenOffice 3.0.0
  • Download the file vancouver.csl from the Zotero website. Change the name of the file to something else. Open the renamed file with a text editor. Line 5 reads like this:

    Change the title to maybe something like this:
    <title>Vancouver with brackets</title>

    Further down in the same file, line 85 reads like this:
    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">

    Change this line to read like this:
    <layout prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter="; ">

    Save the file, fire up your Zotero Firefox, and open the file with your browser. Quit and restart Firefox and you should be able to select the new style from the drop-down listing in your documents.
  • what fbennett said, plus, channelling Dan:
    "Really, you should change the <id> field as well, or else 1) you'll overwrite the default APA style and 2) your custom style may be overwritten with a new version from the repository at any time." (you can change the id field to pretty much anything.)

    Also, because I like it so much - you can try out how changes will affect styles with the test pane:
  • edited January 5, 2009
    Oops ... and yikes, that's a very nice utility.
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