Copy Attachments to a destination

Dear all,
possibly it has been discussed somewhere else but I didn't find good references to this topic and I'm asking again, sorry for repeated topics.

My daily work task:
1. I have linked attachments in some directory structure on my local and network storages;
2. I want to give someone a couple of PDFs, so I want to copy them to a pen drive.

Now I select an item and do "Show File" on every item. Then I copy files manually (I tryed Zutilo and ZotFile, but they seem not to have this functionality).

Is there a way to select all considered Items and copy their attachmets to a destination at once?

  • ZotFile's "Send to Tablet" function does just that. Have you tried that? If so, what's not working?
  • edited August 18, 2014
    Yes, I tried this yesterday, the problem is one has to define the target path in the preferences, and there are some sideeffects (like automatic tags, local copies) which are good for tablets and can be switched off, but not for ordinal copy to a pen drive. And if you want to use ZotFile with your tablet and copy files at the same time it's a small problem, I think. You'll land switching your paths back and forth all the time.

    Do I miss something?
  • No, that sounds right. I figured you could just have a destination folder, push to there and then copy wherever you want.

    Alternatively, you can drag&drop files from Zotero directly to your desktop (though not on Linux) that might help?
  • edited August 18, 2014
    Ok, I see, thank you! Dragging doesn't work for me (but it is a good option), pushing to a folder and copying from there is rather a hack. Unfortunately...
  • Dragging doesn't work for me
    meaning you're on linux? Otherwise we should be able to get that to work.
  • edited August 18, 2014
    Yes, I'm a Linux user, and I'm very happy to see your efforts to support all platforms, even if not everything is going smoothly. Zotero is simply great!
  • yeah, that's a mozilla issue unfortunately, hasn't been working for years.
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