Webdav files not downloading

I've recently setup Zotero on a new machine.

I installed stand-alone and entered login for Zotero.com where all my citations are stored, as well as webdav login to mydrive.ch where all my attachments are stored.

However, none of my attachments are available in zotero.

How do I get Zotero to download all my attachments?
  • We can't really help with problems with third-party WebDAV servers, but see Files Not Syncing to start. Most likely you're getting a sync error.
  • Thank you very much for the reply.

    I am not receiving any errors. In the sync preference I get a "succes" message when I click the "verify server", and I can't access the webdav via other applications and download the files if I wanted to.

    Is there perhaps a way to merge the attachments if I download them manually?
  • There's still more on that page for you to follow.
  • Debug ID is D1350002059

    The files appear to be on the webdav just fine (~200 seemingly randomly named .prop and .zip files) and I can easily access them through webdav via Finder.

    Is there a way to download and import the attachments manually?
  • There's a problem with your server:
    If you've synced files, there should be a lastsync.txt file, but your server is claiming it's not there.

    Do you see that file?

    Did you do Reset File Sync History, as explained on that page?
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