Zotero without Firefox Plug-in

I am a Macintosh user that uses, as my primary browser, OmniWeb. Zotero looks like a powerful resource for my research. However, I would prefer to be able to use it as I work, rather than firing (no pun intended) up Firefox strictly for Zotero. Are there any plans for either making Zotero available to users of the OSX netkit (Safari and OmniWeb) or for making Zotero available as a web-only application? I'm sure there would be a significant audience for this functionality. Thank you.
  • Check out the FAQ that talks about this.
  • Now that there is an online sync server, it seems logical to have at least some basic web interface to that. I understand that it could not have all the same features, but basic upload of BibTex files and download of citations with the ability to read notes, etc...
  • There will be web-based ways to access data stored on the server.
  • edited September 3, 2008
    How 'bout Chrome. I just tried it out and find it very interesting, alot faster than FF3. Moreover, Chrome seems to be OS (and apparently it is based on some FF3 code), and I would guess that you could be able to get around the "Many of Zotero's advanced features, such as the ability to sense and grab citations from web pages, are only possible because Firefox exposes all of its underlying functionality to extension developers." problem...

    Sorry, just saw the discussion in the general catetgory...
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