Problem syncing recovered collection

Sometime yesterday or today, I seem to have accidentally deleted a collection (call it "mycoll"). Reading the forums, there doesn't seem to be a way to recover the collection; I have now set up my own backup to avoid this problem in the future.

To recover an older version of the collection (rather than rebuilding it from scratch), I went to a different computer which had not yet synced. So with syncing disabled (i.e. wireless off), I renamed the collection to "mycoll recovered". I then re-enabled syncing. It synced the collection's main folder and items in the main folder, but none of the subcollection folders or contents. I obtained an error message that read “One or more locally deleted zotero collections have been modified remotely since the last sync. Local versions have been kept.”

Any ideas why my sync won't work? I'm using Zotero extension in Firefox.

  • Not much to say, really — triggering a conflict for a collection just doesn't affect any of the subcollections. You'd have to trigger conflicts for all of the subcollections you wanted to keep.
  • (I assume you made a backup of the Zotero data directory on the second computer before syncing, in which case you can restore the database and try again. If not, you should back up immediately, and then zotero.sqlite.bak may be helpful.)
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