Error report id 1718154884

I've been experiencing weird problems with my Zotero, it gives me an error message almost everytime I try to access the references in the unfiled section and I need to restart Firefox altogether. Right now I'm completly stuck and can't work on any reference.
Help would be much appreciated

  • Does it just happen loading the Unfiled collection, or other actions as well?

    Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for clicking on Unfiled, starting on another collection?
  • You should also check your database integrity in the Advanced -> Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences, and you should try disabling your other Firefox extensions.
  • Thank you very much for your support. I've verified the integrity of the database and everything is fine. I've started working on my Zotero to recreate the bug and it worked fine. I was almost going to stop the debugging when the problem reappeared. I was dragging and dropping references from my unfiled into a group collection. The Debug ID is D1230889333. I'll try removing some of my extensions to verify if the problem could come from one of those.

  • No obvious problems in there, but do try disabling your other extensions. You can also try temporarily disabling auto-sync in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences to see if that makes a difference (though it's better to leave it enabled normally).
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