Automatic generation of publication abbreviated names
I would be nice to have a feature to automatically generate abbreviated publication names. Unfortunately the databases that I tend to use (Web of Science etc.) do not generate those properly, but the references in my field normally use abbreviated publication name.
I would imagine generating a file with abbreviation rules, for most commonly used publications, and then choosing to apply this to my papers. I.e. "Physical Review Letters" would automatically generate "Phys. Rev. Lett." for an abbreviated-pub. name field. This is a feature in fact missing in Refworks and as far as I know in Endnote as well. Such "convension" files could then be shared between users, easily creating a comprehensive database.
I would be nice to have a feature to automatically generate abbreviated publication names. Unfortunately the databases that I tend to use (Web of Science etc.) do not generate those properly, but the references in my field normally use abbreviated publication name.
I would imagine generating a file with abbreviation rules, for most commonly used publications, and then choosing to apply this to my papers. I.e. "Physical Review Letters" would automatically generate "Phys. Rev. Lett." for an abbreviated-pub. name field. This is a feature in fact missing in Refworks and as far as I know in Endnote as well. Such "convension" files could then be shared between users, easily creating a comprehensive database.
The last time I used endnote, I think it did support automatic publication abbreviations based on the user's choice of some small number (4?) of lists.
If it's the latter, then there's two options: a) some in-software rules for converting from full titles*, or b) standardized short-forms (maintained, say, by Zotero).
* actually, it'd even be possible to allow multiple rules I suppose.
I work in materials science & "materials" (or "materialia" or other related words) in journal names in sometimes shortened to "Mat." and sometimes to "Mater."
A number of "Downloadable journal lists" can be found at
A reference table like the one being discussed should include "Full Title", "ISSN" and "Abbreviated Title". When a record is created the journal name and abbreviation fields should be cross-checked with this list, and empty or inappropriately allocated fields populated.
Personally I think the ISSN list should be the standard, although unfortunately this list is not comprehensive - I have looked for a range of journals on this list with allocated ISSN numbers and they do not appear. This would mean the list would need to be updated by users or changes submitted to a curator.
Hopefully should be moving towards a more stable home soon. At that point, zotero ought to integrate this.
but not for others:
And the data is not very uniform, in general (yet?).